Wednesday, January 19, 2011

What a day!

I love to quilt.  I have recently discovered it's not just the quilting, it's being creative.  Though I love to touch fabric, I also love making art.  Mixed media is just becoming a friend of mine.  Fabric and paper, beads, stamping, it all makes me feel good.  Though I am not able to actually be as hands on as I want, just thinking about it and planning it out makes me feel good.  It helps me go to sleep when I toss and turn at night.  It makes me not feel like a crazy person when I feel like a crazy person.  I kind of fell apart today in my doctors office.  Pain management is difficult but not the end of the world, and I let it get the best of me today.  Coming home and going through quilt books helped me see the good things in life.  Thanks for letting me get this off my chest.  Let me know if you understand how I feel.  I'll be back soon.